I’m a Texas guy that now lives in Hong Kong. I left my life as I knew it, to start a new life. One filled with unfamiliar sites, languages, foods, smells, culture and people. This “leap of faith” is still leaping, but I’m beginning to see the ground beneath me. If you ever wondered what it would be like to pack your bags, say good bye to everyone you know, jump on a plane to another world- then get ready. Here’s a look at life in Hong Kong… according to Ken.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Fall is HERE!
You know when you open your oven door and the heat hits your face and you'd swear your eyebrows were just singed off? Well, welcome to Hong Kong! I know I've mentioned this before, but I HAVE NEVER SWEAT SO MUCH IN MY LIFE!!! I am wet all the time. I can't seem to stay dry in Hong Kong. My shirts, pants, socks... everything becomes tissues to my sweat and I end up looking like I just took a shower with my clothes on.
The summer weather is so hot it actually affects how buildings are built in Hong Kong. I heard once that nearly 80% of all concrete used in the world is found in China and Hong Kong, and I believe it's true. All buildings are constructed of concrete (try and hang a picture on a solid concrete wall). You don't see much wallpaper in Hong Kong, as glue is not strong enough to withstand the humidity. Bathrooms and kitchens always have a window (which can create some pretty strange floor plans) with a little fan cut into the glass so it can vent even if the window is closed. Not pretty. Bathroom walls are tiled up to the ceiling, as the walls are normally covered in moisture after a shower. Building exterior's are covered in tiles too so the moisture can roll off the building and not create mold. And although extremely dangerous (for me), all sidewalks and walkways are tiled in slick smooth surfaces, all in attempt to remove the possibility of mold growth. I know what your thinking... Ken is living in a wet, slick, slipper city... YES I AM! The other day I received a text saying "it seems you fall a lot", I thought (as I tried to stand up of the slick wet marble floor of the MTR), hell yea I fall a lot! BTW- that fall was non-avoidable, while trying to avoid falling over two other men that had fallen on their asses, my attempt to dodge them caused my feet to run out from underneath me.
But yesterday it dropped to 16 degree Celsius (about 60 degrees Fahrenheit)!! I was in heaven all day. Last night while waiting for my bus I actually got cold! I never though that would happen again... I WAS COLD!!! It was awesome! I don't think my body produced one drop of sweat all day.
Happy Fall Y'all!!